Angry sequences of yellow colour

"If the sunlight is yellow, the yellow color creates the context between other colors." "


"Jestliže je sluneční světlo žluté, tak žlutá barva vytváří kontext ostatních barev.

Břetislav Malý

The complete space of yellow colour in painting space, 2017, 200 x 250 cm - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

he complete space of yellow colour in painting space, 2017, 200 x 350 cm - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

One of the questions about yellow colour, 2017, 110 x 80 - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

One of the questions about yellow colour, 2017, 170 x 300 - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

The question of the principle of yellow colour, 2017, 200 x 180 cm - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

The question of the principle of yellow colour, 2017, 200 x 180 cm- oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

Sequence of yellow colour, 2017, 250 x 200 cm - acrylic on canvas

Břetislav Malý

Donald Judd, 2017, 200 x 20 cm - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

Elementary colour, 2017, 140 x 140 cm - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

Sequenc of yellow color, 2017, 60 x 120 cm - oil on canvas

Břetislav Malý

One of the questions about yellow colour, 2017, 110 x 80 - oil on canvas