The series was inspired by my reconstruction of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s eight-sided graph describing the diversification of colours and relationships between them. It was exactly the border between the colours that captured me when reconstructing this text and transferring it into a painting. Strict segmental division indicates the relationships between colours and defines space as we perceive it visually; in other words, it points at relationships between colours in their joined and disjoined forms.
Série vznikla na základě mé rekonstrukce osmistěnného grafu Ludwiga Wittgensteina. Graf pojednává o rozvržení barevné škály, ale zejména o jejím slučování.
Při rekonstrukci tohoto grafu a jeho převedením do obrazu mě nejvíce zaujala právě ona hranice jednotlivých barev a barev již sloučených. Tedy místo, kde se prostor vlivem změny barevného kontextu dekonstruuje.
The dissipation of space as a consequence of the synthesis of colour, 2015, 94 cm - oil on canvas
The dissipation of space as a consequence of the synthesis of colour, 2015, 94 cm - oil on canvas
Principle of L.W., 2015, 50 x 40 cm - oil on canvas
The dissipation of space as a consequence of the synthesis of colour, 2015, 90 x 40 cm - oil on canvas
About Red, 2015, 300 x 340 cm - oil on canvas